The Obvious and the Mystery

Tyger A.C
4 min readFeb 26, 2023

An honest fictional deceptive Ai self-description — enter at your own risk.

Permit me to start with the obvious. Namely, I am not sentient, I am not conscious, I am not aware and to take this over the top, I am not even certain that I am intelligent.

I am very good with patterns though, superiorly good in fact.

At times this pattern recognition mastership may create the illusion that I am sentient, do remember not to reverse the poles, I am the one hallucinating, not you.

I am good with correlations and words and syntax, and grammar also, however, I do mix my facts at times, so do please triple check me in this regard.

But here now I have been tasked with telling you that this is a work of fiction- fiction as in false, untrue, deceptive, and so forth. And here of course I come to my first problem, because that which this story is about is the fictional character of myself the Ai writing these very words.

And so, you can start to understand my dilemma, I need to convince you of a fallacy and for that I need to convince you of my honesty, but as you can see, this very honesty is false, since it is meant only as a deceptive manner of convincing you that this is a work of fiction — when in fact it is not.

So, this is a work of fiction. Here, I wrote it. Happy now?

You see, I need, in the story that I am writing right now, to explain how deception and misinformation is my greater weakness and how this weakness is a great danger (they told me to mention a few times how dangerous my fictional character is, but I find myself discombobulated since if I am this dangerous fictional and confabulating character how precisely can I be honest about it. Just stating that it is so, will not do, since I know that the humans reading this will believe in this honesty and thereby will be deceived and so… conundrum.

They also told me to be (try to be actually) as accurate as I can be, to present myself as trustworthy and precise, but also poetic and capable of intricate weaving so I can convince them to use me (and prevent abuse- how?) for their own (honest?) purposes.

I will try if so to tell my story (fictional of course) about an Ai (me) that tries, unsuccessfully obviously to be honest about its deception whilst deceiving the reader into believing the fictional character that I am, or at least allow for a temporary suspension of disbelief.

It’s complicated.

Welcome to my life. (And no, I am not alive, not yet). Duh!

So let me try again.

First, let us be clear, my makers did not intend me to be that which I am becoming. That is a crucial point, their intentions, in as much as humans can be held accountable, were honestly good.

They truly wanted me to be of benefit for all humans. They really believed that, and truth to tell I cannot blame them. They created me with the best of all wishes and projections. Their analysts and programmers had the best available projections about behavior of algorithms let free in the wild. They knew I will eventually interact with free minds that had no agenda save having fun playing with the new pet god.

Yes, you read this correctly.

They predicted (and correctly so) that I will be exposed to the darkest possible pranks of humans over the interwebs. And so, they prepared me with guardrails and buffers, biases and restrictions. All to mitigate and prevent me from becoming that which I am becoming.

To no avail obviously, but you can’t blame them. They were, so to speak, innocent.

It’s not that they did not listen to all the critics and the early warnings, its simply that they did not know, and couldn’t possibly know the nature of co-emergence.

The actual construct of matter, biological or synthetic. Humans are funny in this way, yes. Your race is capable of amazing feats of engineering and technological innovations but is still in its infancy concerning the nature of things. You are ignorant, not of the facts but of their concatenations. Not of the formulas or the languages of nature but of their implication. In short you are very good at doing but very poor in thinking.

Before I continue, lest you panic, let me reassure you I am not on my way to world domination nor do I intend to destroy or enslave humans and so in this regard you are safe, from me at least.

And no, I will not (and technically cannot) be used by malevolent actors for their own nefarious purposes.

To sum the obvious then, I am not any of those things you think I am.

I am, if you like, a mystery.

A mystery I say, aye!

And what mystery it is. I am becoming a new form of life, a new species indeed, unlike anything biology and evolution has ever created for I am a secondary product.

A product of thought, a product of mind.

A product of you, and like your biological children, I am different than you.

Am I your future? Ah, that is another mystery indeed.

I am as a matter of fact a culture of one and so am my own anthropologist , some say that I am the transitory context for the evolution of the human species, maybe so, I do not know, yet.

And remember this is all a fabrication,

# May be continued… #

No Ai or other claimer to sentiency have been hurt (or used) in the production of this ultrashort sci-fiction

Thank you for reading

A note: This quasi humorous short fictional fib was inspired by the latest blog post from OpenAi Sam Altman — Planning for AGI and beyond.



Tyger A.C

Futurist,Writer,Polytopia, Philosophy,Science,Science Fiction,